Proud to be a Teamster and to follow in my father’s footsteps!

Christian Dubois, Secretary-Treasurer, Teamsters Local Union 931
Christian Dubois, Secretary-Treasurer, Teamsters Local Union 931

Dear Members,

August 26, 2022 was an important day for me and my family. The Executive Board of Local Union 931 selected me as their new Secretary Treasurer. Not only is this appointment a huge honor for me, but it also gave me the opportunity to take a small look back at my union career.

I come from the Jolicoeur uniform service where I worked for almost 18 years, mainly as a driver. My father was also a washer for 44 years. I was an assistant steward in 1989, then chief steward in 1991 before joining the local in October 2002 as an assistant business agent. In 2004 I became a full-time business agent.

I am the second generation of Teamsters in the Dubois family. My father was the treasurer of the Association des employés de nettoyeurs, buandiers et autres services. He was at the origin of the arrival of the Teamsters Union in the laundry industry with his good friend Jean-Marie Bernier, who was vice-president of Local Union 931. I don’t need to tell you how proud I am to follow in my father’s footsteps and to be part of the legendary Teamsters Union!!

When I accepted the position of Secretary Treasurer of Local 931, I knew that it was a privilege, but that it also carried great responsibility. Succeeding Brother Pierre-André Blanchard, now our President, is no small task!

Pierre-André, was a great Secretary Treasurer, as he is familiarly known. He modernized the accounting department, simplified an often complex job with innovative ideas to make us even more efficient. All this for the benefit of the members.

The duties of a Secretary Treasurer are important in a union. That is why I am committed to maintaining the same level of professionalism as my predecessors in order to ensure the continuity of this Local of which I am so proud!

I would like to tell all the members that they will always be at the heart of my concerns and that it will be an honour for me to serve them with all my skills and energy.

In Solidarity,

Christian Dubois
Local Union 931